
leveton sq
Leveton-P® 2

Leveton-P® Instruction

Dosage form60 tablets of 500 mg in a plastic bottle
StructureActive ingredients: Leuzea carthamoides root (cryopowder) – 50 mg, vitamin C – 30 mg, vitamin E – 3 mg, bee pollen pellet – 100 mg;
Other ingredients: 20 amino acids, 28 trace elements, beta-carotene, vitamins of groups B, D, P, PP, K, flavonoids, phytoncides, enzymes – 317 mg;
Excipients: titanium dioxide, lactose, calcium stearate, tween-80, methylcellulose.
DescriptionHard gelatin capsules of gray color.
Pharmacological classificationbiologically active additive, not classified as a drug
ATC codeBAA (biologically active additive, not classified as a drug)
Pharmacological actiongeneral tonic
The information presented on the instruction pages is a translation of official instructions from the manufacturers and does not reflect the opinions or views of the CosmicNootropic team. This content is provided for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as company endorsement or opinion.


Biologically active food supplement. Leveton-P is recommended for athletes involved in strength sports: weightlifting, athleticism, and bodybuilding. This supplement has a strong anabolic effect and helps to build muscle, develop strength and endurance, but does not have the side effects that are common for steroid hormones (impotence, severe changes in the central nervous system). Leveton-P is able to have a positive effect on the treatment of erectile dysfunctions that develop in athletes during periods of heavy sports loads. Leveton-P is a non-toxic, non-medicinal, and non-doping product. In a biologically available form, it contains the whole complex of microelements, amino acids, and vitamins necessary for athletes in the pre-contest and contest season.

Leveton-P is also useful for people engaged in mass health-improving physical activity, and for people suffering from neurocirculatory dystonia because it optimizes the circulatory system by increasing the reserve capacity of the central hemodynamics with the most balanced ratio of cardiac output and heart rate. Leveton-P ingredients provide a synergistic effect:

Leuzea carthamoides
Chemical composition: polysaccharides, phytoecdysones, organic acids, inulin, steroids, triterpene saponins (raptonicosides), vitamins, polyacetylene compounds, phenol carboxylic acids and their derivatives, lignin, catechins, tannins, quinones, essential oil, alkaloids, coumarins, flavonoids, anthocyans, fatty oil, lipids, gums, crystals of calcium oxalate, salts of phosphoric acid, macro- and microelements. Leuzea has an adaptogenic effect. It also has a restorative and tonic effect; it increases the body’s resistance to adverse factors and physical stress. It improves overall health, performance and memory, promotes concentration. The plant also strengthens sexual function. It expands blood vessels and increases the intensity of the heart muscle contraction while reducing its frequency. It improves metabolism and stimulates the production of hormones.

Bee pollen pellet
Chemical composition: includes 20 essential and non-essential amino acids, 28 macro- and microelements, contains large amounts of potassium, iron, copper, cobalt, calcium, phosphorus, chlorine, magnesium, zinc, chromium, vanadium, manganese, and selenium.
The effect: bee pollen pellet promotes tissue regeneration, has an anti-inflammatory and adaptogenic effect. It is useful for diseases of the prostate gland, has a beneficial effect on leukemia, colitis, and chronic constipation. It strengthens capillaries, increases hemoglobin in the blood, normalizes fat metabolism, and reduces cholesterol. Helps to recover after physical exertion, improves appetite, has a sleeping effect, slows down the aging process.

Vitamin C
Participates in the production of most hormones (including adrenaline, serotonin, testosterone, and estrogens), strengthens the body defence systems, and promotes the production of collagen.

Vitamin E
Helps to cleanse and rejuvenate the body, reduces blood clotting, thereby preventing blockage of blood vessels; improves blood circulation in tissues and organs, tones muscles, eliminates convulsions, and accelerates muscle regeneration.

Intended uses

  • during periods of intense and regular physical exercise, for the prevention of hypoxia;
  • the product is used in decreased immunity and performance, and if there is a feeling of constant fatigue and low mental activity;
  • in case of frequent headaches and stress;
  • in case of erectile dysfunction in athletes or prostatitis;
  • during the postoperative period;
  • in case of seasonal vitamin deficiencies and restrictions in the intake of nutrients;
  • to normalize the function of the endocrine system (anabolic and catabolic);
  • to normalize microcirculation in the vessels of the brain.


Individual intolerance to components, increased nervous irritability, insomnia, cardiac abnormalities, severe atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, pregnancy and lactation, children (under 18 y.o.).

It is recommended to consult a doctor prior to use.

Dosage and administration

1 tablet 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment is 1 month.

Side effects

Allergic reactions: rash, skin itching, redness, diarrhea, etc. If allergic reactions occur, it is recommended to stop taking the supplement and to consult the doctor.


In case of a single overdose, the supplement is harmless, but a systematic excess of doses can lead to the aggravation of side effects.

Interaction with other drugs

The product may be combined with other dietary supplements. It depends on the stage of the training and contest process and the goals set by the athlete (coach).

The supplement increases the effectiveness of BCAA, creatine, and protein when used together due to the intensification of protein synthesis in muscles.

Pregnancy and lactation


Storage conditions

Store in a dry place, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C (77.0°F). Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life

2 years.


Parapharm company, Russia. https://parapharm-russia.ru/

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