Coach Steve’s Favorites

Coach Steve


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Vigorous Steve 2 edited


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Why do you like these products?

I like Semax, Selank & Cerebrolysin for their neurogenic effects. Semax in particularly increases neuro-steroid sensitivity and improves libido quite dramatically when combined with Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). Cerebrolysin is incredibly potent to mitigate the post-exercise brain fog from strenuous workouts, mental clarity, focus, and overall mood management.
I like Mildronate & Mexidol for their performance enhancing effects. Combining both at effective dosages truly increases athletic performance and stamina, allowing me to train at a much higher intensity, for a significantly longer period of time. While simultaneously mitigating some of the oxidative stress that comes along with intense exercise.

Describe your experience of taking these products

I usually take 500mcg Semax intranasally once or two times for day, for a maximum of 1 month in duration, I follow a similar protocol for Selank, albeit that I often prefer to combine them at 500mcg dosages.
Cerebrolysin I take once every few months, at 5 to 10mL Intramuscularly before bed daily, for a full month at well. I notice most of the benefits with as little as one week, but I prefer to run Cerebrolysin a little bit longer for a solid month of enhanced neurogenesis. The effects are long-lasting.
Mildronate and Mexidol I use occasionally at the end of a training block, where my carbohydrate intake is quite high and the training volume is high to match. Usually around this time I need a performance boost to break previous plateaus, this always coincides with the usage of Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids. I take all lipolytic agents out from my protocol when using Mildronate, as it inhibits Carnitine synthesis and blunts fat burning significantly. At the same time I reduce my dietary fat intake substantially to maximize the effects of Mildronate and Mexidol while using them.
I use 1,000mg Mildronate 60 Minutes Pre-Workout, or 250mg 1 to 4x Daily on Rest Days, and 250mg Mexidol 3 times daily. I use both about 2 to 3 weeks at the end of a training block, after which I schedule a deload or full week off from the gym, reduce my carbohydrate intake and reintroduce injectable Carnitine to restore fat oxidation within the Mitochondria.
I have a full breakdown of prerequisites, expected positive effects, warnings, dosing protocols, and general information about Semax, Selank, Cerebrolysin, Mildronate & Mexidol in the videos I mentioned earlier!


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This content is not intended for product recommendations. Please always  consult your doctor before taking any medications.‎

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