Doctor’s Review of Adaptol [Mebicarum]

June 25, 2018

We got a new educational video on our channel: The qualified MD from the previous videos is giving his review about Adaptol and how it can be used to deal with stress. Come check it out!
The review is given by the doctor-psychotherapist of the highest category with the years of practice, Candidate of Medical Sciences: Galushchak Alexander Vasilievich


1. 0:13 Use of Adaptol in case of a panic attack.

2. 1:05 Using Adaptol for treating withdrawal symptoms.

3. 1:58 Adaptol side effects.

4. 3:31 The course of Adaptol intake and addiction

5. 4:10 Adaptol and alcohol intake

6. 4:36 Why Adaptol does not require a prescription

7. 4:52 Similar medication: Mebicar

Full script:

Irina Lisitsyna: Adaptol is a mild tranquilizer used to treat vegetovascular dystonia, anxiety, and fear. Can it also be used to treat panic attacks?

Galuschak Aleksandr Vasil’evich: Yes, it can. When you hear the name ‘Adaptol’ its purpose is immediately clear. It is designed to help patients adapt and cope with difficult circumstances or conditions they may be dealing with in life. This could include, anxiety, or conditions that might cause distress or panic; during these attacks, the individual may not even understand what’s happening to him. It could be a presentation of vegetovascular dystonia. It could be social or domestic conflict—stress before an exam or low self-esteem. All of these conditions and disorders form a complex matrix of anxiety, low self-esteem, and confusion in which patients may find themselves in need of treatment. The dose can be adjusted to fit the needs of the patient based on gender and age etc.

IL: And tell me, can Adaptol help with withdrawal symptoms? From smoking or alcoholism for example?

AV: Studies have empirically shown that this drug acts on the dopamine system. That is, it affects the functioning of dopamine and dopamine receptors. It produces a calming and pleasant effect, which helps with withdrawal syndromes. When withdrawing from, let’s say, psychoactive substances like alcohol, narcotics, or tobacco products—it has been shown be most effective when weaning of cigarettes. That is, it helps to alleviate withdrawal symptoms.

Withdrawal symptoms might manifest as mood swings, anxiety, hostility. Often they can be difficult to describe. Adaptol is implemented as part of a complex treatment we actively use as doctors, psychiatrists, and addiction specialists. The patient, of course, is aware of and understands their use in treating tobacco dependence.

IL: In general this drug has been very well-reviewed. However, there have been some complaints. Some patients have reported trouble sleeping, problems with memory, and even depression when taking Adaptol. Is this somehow related to improper use of the drug—-or are these just typical side effects?

AV: There are some side-effects and complications of taking this medicine. I say this as a doctor who loves this medication and often applies it in treatment. I get a lot of feedback from my patients. That is to say, of course during pregnancy, lactation, and breast-feeding we don’t apply this treatment, knowing that tranquilizers such as these sometimes produce a paradoxical effect. That is to say, they produce the opposite of their intended effect. These are documented cases, and we evaluate the viability of the treatment on an individual basis. In such instances, we simply exchange the treatment with something else—not because it poses a serious risk to the heart, brain or causes some kind of irreversible damage, but because the patient has trouble sleeping, or perhaps the opposite: they suffer from lethargy. Whatever the case may be, we replace the medication and make the necessary adjustments. Moving forward, in general, there aren’t any problems; patients are very sensitive to their responses to treatment and they contact their doctors when they notice even minor improvements are setbacks. When the patient feels something isn’t working, we don’t wait for serious complications, we simply take them off the medication. This happens very rarely, and only in unusual cases.

IL: So what is the typical course of treatment for Adaptol?

AV: Adaptol is typically recommended to be taken for 2-4 weeks. In some cases, this may be extended to a month and a half, but the most important thing to understand is that this drug is not habit-forming; there are absolutely no cases of this. This is the peculiarity of Adaptol among other mild tranquilizers. What’s more, it doesn’t cause lethargy or weakness in the muscles, or somnolence. Because it doesn’t cause fatigue, it can be used during the day. Nevertheless, there are certain restrictions that should be followed. When taking tranquilizers, reaction times can be slowed and the patient may have a diminished ability to operate motor vehicles.

IL: Can patients consume alcohol while taking Adaptol?

AV: Well to state the obvious, medications and alcoholic beverages generally don’t go together. First of all, because it’s a drug, and secondly, because it acts on the dopamine system in the brain. Taking alcohol may result in unpredictable effects like depression or restlessness. That is, it can compound the effects of the alcohol or the medication. Under no circumstances is this recommended.

IL: Is this medication typically prescribed, or can it be found over-the-counter?

AV: This medication is sold over-the-counter because it is non-toxic and does not cause addiction. Even the strictest professionals who worry about drug-dependence have no doubts concerning this drug.

IL: Are there any analogs to Adaptol?

AV: There is an analog called Mebicar. It’s a drug we prescribe in the same cases for the same length as Adaptol. Its official name is Mebicar. It’s exactly the same drug as Adaptol, it’s just that the two drugs were released by two different companies under different names. The effect is the same: it is a day-time tranquilizer that doesn’t cause addiction. It’s very good for treating anxiety and phobias.

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