A Soviet Book on Nootropics

July 8, 2021

There is a Soviet book on Nootropics by prof. Gennadiy Kovalev (MD) that was published in 1990 and that collects valuable information regarding many nootropic preparations. We would like to share some of its contents with you.   

Nootropics book front page

About the Book

Below is the photo of the table of contents. 

The contents of the Nootropics book

The book provides findings about a novel group of psychotropic drugs – nootropics. The issue is mainly presented in the neuropharmacological, neurochemical and clinical aspects. The modern psycho-physiologic approach of memory and learning is under discussion. Different classifications of nootropic substances with their critical analysis are presented in the pharmacological section. Methods of studying nootropics in experiments and clinics are also described. Detailed attention is paid to mechanisms of cognitive enhancement with piracetam (Nootropil), a first-known nootropic, and other agents of this group. Pharmacological properties and peculiarities of many nootropic drugs are reviewed. Pharmacological investigation results of new original nootropics received by the author and his colleagues are discussed. 

The clinical section of the monograph is devoted to the results of nootropics application in neurology, psychiatry and narcology in the Soviet Union and abroad. Special attention is paid to gerontological aspects of using nootropics. Soviet and foreign clinical findings are critically compared. Clinical distinctions and nootropic action peculiarities, rational indices and dosages of various drugs are discussed. 

A special chapter provides short characteristics of nootropics and nootropic-like drugs which are permitted for clinical application in the USSR as well as other drugs improving the intellectual function of a human.

Concluding part of the monograph provides the analysis of the current state as a whole; it outlines prospects of studying nootropics with molecular membranology approach and its significance for the future advances of experimental and clinical psycho-pharmacology. 

About the Author of Nootropics book

The photo of the Nootropics book author

Gennadiy Kovalev (1930-1990) was the Doctor of Medicine, professor in the Volgograd State Medical University (www.volgmed.ru/en/) and author of 350 scientific papers (40 of them were published outside Russia) on pharmacology of neurotrophic and cardio-vascular medications, the Honored Scientist of the USSR. 

Since 1970 till his last days prof. Kovalev was the Head of the faculty of pharmacology in the Volgograd State Medical University. Over 20 years he has created a distinguished scientific school of pharmacologists in Volgograd (Russia). 4 doctorate and 50 MPhil theses were defended under his supervision. Many of his students later became heads in other Russian and foreign universities and laboratories. His lectures were not only attended by students and PhD candidates but also by academic staff.  

Scientific interest of prof. Gennadiy Kovalev was diverse. He did the research of the pharmacology of anti-hypertensive agents, expanded the research of the central regulation of the system arterial pressure and regional vascular tone; provided the faculty with the up-to-date equipment. The research of antiarrhythmic and antianginal agents, neuro-psychotropic properties of neuroactive amino acid derivatives and condensed heterocycles, and research of drug safety was initiated under his supervision.   

Prof. Kovalev and his faculty maintained close scientific relations with foreign partners: Medical University in Varna (Poland), Medical faculty of the Budapest university (Hungary), Palacky University (the Czech Republic), Medical faculty of the University of Helsinki (Finland) etc.

In his later years prof. Kovalev successfully finished clinical trials on the anti-motion-sick properties of Phenibut and studies of other preparations. He also wrote a book on Nootropics (first of a kind in Russia) which was published by his students after his death.

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Here is a link to our post about this book on Reddit! We would appreciate your comments and feedback.

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  1. frank 18/07/2021 am31 06:45 AM Reply

    excellent research

    • CosmicNootropic 19/07/2021 am31 11:52 AM Reply

      Thank you, Frank!

  2. ivandragulin 11/08/2023 am31 01:27 AM Reply

    Can a copy be made available?

    • CosmicNootropic 11/10/2023 am31 08:33 AM Reply

      Hi, unfortunately we don’t have a PDF of this book. :(

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