Quitting Addictions: supplements to try

February 2, 2024

Breaking free from addictions is a challenging yet transformative journey that requires more than just willpower. Alongside therapy and lifestyle changes, certain supplements, nootropics, and medications can play a crucial role in supporting the brain and body during the recovery process. From reducing withdrawal symptoms to promoting mental clarity and emotional balance, these tools can make the path to freedom smoother and more sustainable. In this article, we’ll explore how science-backed solutions can aid in overcoming addictions and regaining control of your health and well-being.

Quitting Nicotine Addiction

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Quitting Addictions: supplements to try 9

TABEX ® (Cytisine)

Tabex is an innovative mean of quitting smoking, as its active component, Cytisine, interacts with the same receptors as Nicotine does. It alleviates abstinence syndromes (bad mood, irritability, headache, etc) and can tremendously increase the likelihood of staying nicotine-free for the first days of abstinence.

It is a herbal drug containing an alkaloid isolated from the plant Cytisus laburnum (better known as broom). Its mechanism of action is similar to one of nicotine, so if using it while smoking one can feel the symptoms of nicotine overdose (actually getting cytisine instead). This causes a stop getting pleasure from smoking without any withdrawal effects.

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ADAPTOL ® (Mebicar)

In 1978, the USSR Ministry of Healthcare approved Mebicar for use by the general public as an anxiolytic and as a “daily” tranquilizer. Mebicar belongs to a group of non-benzodizepam tranquilizers; from the chemical perspective, it is a derivative of carbamide, an endogenous metabolite, which explains why the compound is 150 times less toxic than Diazepam. Mebicar works on the serotonergic system: taken in small doses it increases the effect of tryptophan, which is a precursor to serotonin. It is used for the treatment of nicotine withdrawal.

Quitting Alcohol Addiction 

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Quitting Addictions: supplements to try 11


The preparation helps fight alcohol intoxication. By increasing the production of succinic acid, it stimulates alcohol processing in the liver monooxygenase system and ethanol detoxication. Glutamic acid lowers the depressant effect of alcohol on the CNS. In general, the preparation has cytoprotective, antihypoxic, membrane stabilizing, antioxidant, detoxication and antiradical effects.

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BIOTREDIN ® (L-Threonine + Vitamin B6)

A nootropic medication that improves metabolism and boosts cellular energy. The drug is comprised of L-threonine and pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6). Together, threonine and vitamin B6 interact to form the amino acid glycine and acetaldehyde. The resulting substance promotes active stimulation of inhibitory processes, oxidation-reduction, and supports respiratory function, and synthesis of adenosine triphosphate in the cells. Biotredin can increase productivity and alleviate stress, but one of the primary indications is the treatment of various stages of alcoholism. It also can help with withdrawal syndrome. Preparation can be effectively combined with Glycine.

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Quitting Addictions: supplements to try 12

DEMOXYTOCIN ® (Desamino Oxytocin)

It is a synthetic analog of oxytocin peptide. It is more potent compared to oxytocin, has a longer half-life, and can be used sublingually. All these factors make this product a perfect candidate for use instead of oxytocin. Oxytocin is a subject of a lot of neurological research. It was shown to improve trust between people and make them more generous. It also plays a crucial role in bonding and can, therefore, help people come to an agreement easier. Oxytocin can also be used to decrease cravings for fats, sweets, alcohol, and nicotine. It creates a feeling of satiety in people.

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Hypoxen has antihypoxic and antioxidant effects and can be used by healthy people with reduced performance in extreme situations and adverse weather conditions, e.g. the Far North, highlands, etc. Hypoxenum is used by athletes to improve physical performance, yet it is not on the WADA Prohibited List. Apart from that, the drug was also shown to be effective for patients suffering from alcohol abuse problems as it can decrease cravings, improve mood, lower anxiety, and asthenia.

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Phenibut is mainly famous for its nootropic effect near to tranquilizing (anxiolytic), anticonvulsant, hypnotic, muscle relaxant and sedative effects. It is used in cases of asthenic and anxiety-neurotic conditions, insomnia, logoneurosis, nervous tics, as well as a sedative before surgery. It also can help to deal with alcohol withdrawal. But it should be used in a very proper way! Read the post in our blog about Phenibut.

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Quitting Addictions: supplements to try 15

PICAMILON ® (Nicotinoyl-GABA)

This compound is based on a synthetic combination of GABA and niacin, with the former being responsible for reducing neuronal excitability and the latter acting as a strong vasodilator.

Its effects are similar to those of Phenibut as both drugs reduce anxiety and improve mood. However, unlike Phenibut, Picamilon has a much stronger impact on the energy metabolism in the brain because it stimulates the consumption of oxygen and glucose by the neuronal tissue.

The preparation can be prescribed to alleviate symptoms of alcohol withdrawal at doses of 100-150 mg per day for one week.

Learn more in Quit Addictions category!

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All statements on this page are for informational purposes only and have not been evaluated or approved by the US FDA.
Products mentioned on this page are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. See more

  1. Jerry 26/05/2024 am31 09:07 AM Reply

    What would you recommend for marijuana addiction?

    • CosmicNootropic 09/06/2024 pm30 19:34 PM Reply

      Hi there! Unfortunately, we can’t give medical recommendations. There are information that in such cases, Piracetam can be used to improve cognitive functions. However, it is important to remember that nootropics are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent medical conditions and it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

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